Kickstart Creative Writing
Creative Writing Kick Start with Fiona O’Rourke Limited Numbers: 15 adults (age 18+)
This workshop offers the space and time to kick start creativity. Writing exercises designed to encourage new stories and instil belief in one’s ability to write. Participants just need pen, paper, and an open mind to let the stories come out of the head and onto the page. Suitable for beginners and those already writing.
About Fiona
A recent graduate from Trinity College Dublin with a First Class M.Phil. in Creative Writing, Fiona’s writing career began in Wexford with a beginners’ class facilitated by poet Jim Maguire (2009). Much of her creative work, from beginners’ exercises to her first published short story (prize-winning Wrong Whiskey, The Fish Anthology 2012), to writing her Masters dissertation (2015), and a full-length novel (Have You Found Luke? joint winner at The Greenbean Novel Fair 2016), has taken place by the sea at Cullenstown in Co Wexford. Fiona currently teaches creative writing to postgrad students of TCD Innovation Academy, and to adult members at Wexford Town Library. Participants have responded enthusiastically to her writing exercises, many of which include location, sea and landscape as character in its own right. The classes are proving to inspire diverse creativity with some writers finding the exercises useful as a personal sounding board.