Melatu-Uche Okorie was born in Enugu, Nigeria. She has been living in Ireland for twelve years. She has an M.Phil. in creative writing from Trinity College, Dublin. Her work has been published in Dublin: Ten Journeys One Destination, Alms on the Highway (New Writing from the Oscar Wilde Centre), LITJournal, College Green Magazine. Her
Melatu-Uche Okorie was born in Enugu, Nigeria. She has been living in Ireland for twelve years. She has an M.Phil. in creative writing from Trinity College, Dublin.
Her work has been published in Dublin: Ten Journeys One Destination, Alms on the Highway (New Writing from the Oscar Wilde Centre), LITJournal, College Green Magazine.
Her debut collection, “This Hostel Life”, was published in May, 2018. She is currently working on a novel.