Volunteer With Us
Volunteer With Us

Volunteer with Us

Write By The Sea Literary Festival Kilmore Quay is created and run by volunteers. All the excitement and buzz of the Festival weekend each September is a result of the year-round, tireless work of a small group of voluntary enthusiasts whose love of writing and reading good literature brings the joy and friendship of the Festival to their local community of Kilmore Quay.

The hard-working Committee of Write By The Sea is at the heart of the annual Literary Festival. They rely on the wonderful band of volunteers who give their time freely for the promotion and running of the festival every year.

While most of our volunteers come back year after year, we are always thrilled to see new faces joining the team. Maybe it could be you this year?

If you have some spare time to offer you will be helping to make the Write By The Sea Festival a success for all who participate and for the whole community of Kilmore Quay, while making some new friends too.

What’s involved….

During the months of planning of the Festival we need people who can manage our social media platforms, bloggingFacebook posts, tweeting and keeping posts up to date.  We also need people who can get our publicity out there physically by distributing brochures, posters, bookmarks and other merchandise. Volunteers who know their own area of influence, where to put posters and brochures to get the greatest impact and return, who to contact to get the word out about the Festival programme – and, importantly, how and when to grab a headline.

Over the weekend of the festival volunteer roles require a half or whole day. These roles include:

  • drivers to collect and deliver writers and guests;
  • stage and auditorium managers;
  • guides for artistes;
  • front of house managers,
  • ushers at venues;
  • engaging with sponsors;
  • assisting with grant applications;
  • booksellers to facilitate book sales at the end of events
  • runners to cover emergencies and solve problems;
  • people with local knowledge who can help lost members of the audience and answer questions about the local area;
  • catering assistants
  • clearing up after events and at end of festival
  • any other ideas, skills or experience you might have that may be useful for the festival

The committee welcomes volunteers who can use common sense, are able to work as part of a team, can be adaptable and flexible and who want the festival to be a success. We know you will have a great weekend.

What do we give you?

We will invite you to a training session to help you feel confident about being a Literary Festival Volunteer.

You will receive a clear role description.

We will give you coffee and / or lunch on the day, plenty of fun, sympathy for your sore feet after a busy day and you get one free ticket to an event of your choice (workshops excepted).

You will also get an invitation to our festival launch on Friday evening (unless of course, you are working at it!) and a great deal of satisfaction.

If you would like to join our festival team,  simply complete the form below. We are looking forward to meeting you.

Welcome to Booth.

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