SOLD OUT – Zoom Room to Write – Memoir Writing with Hilary Fannin
Tickets are sold out, but please add your name to the waiting list here – https://ti.to/wbts/stepintostory
Are you ready to tell your story? Join award-winning memoirist, playwright and newspaper columnist Hilary Fannin on May 6th for a two-hour workshop on the art of memoir.

Workshop Details
Memoir: Stepping into our own stories
Memoirs – narratives written about formative, important, memorable (or sometimes best forgotten) parts of an author’s life – have become a mainstay of contemporary publishing.
For those of us who simply want to find a way to organise, think about and understand, or maybe even commit to print, our own story, memoir writing is a powerful instrument.
In our two-hour session we’ll talk a little about what memoir is and, through gentle and non-intrusive writing prompts, open up a tool box to help us connect to our own memory banks, to start making decisions about the kind of narratives we wish to make.
All you’ll need is paper, a pen, a little bit of curiosity and a willingness to take a trip into your own story.
Saturday May 6th, 2023, at 11:00 IRISH SUMMER TIME (2 hours)
Cost: €20.00
About Hilary Fannin
Hilary Fannin is an award-winning playwright, novelist and newspaper columnist. Born in Dublin, where she still lives, she was writer in association at the Abbey Theatre in its centenary year, 2004. Her plays have been performed in Ireland, London, Europe and North America. For the past decade she has been writing a weekly column for The Irish Times and was named Irish Broadsheet Columnist of the Year in 2019. Her memoir, Hopscotch, was published to critical acclaim in 2015. Her first novel, The Weight of Love, was published in 2020 and won last year’s John McGahern Award for debut Irish fiction. She is currently working on her second novel and on an adaptation of Maxim Gorky’s Children of the Sun for Rough Magic theatre company.